5 Lessons Learned From Elon Musk | Best Motivational Advice

5 Lessons Learned From Elon Musk | Best Motivational Advice

5 Lessons Learned From Elon Musk | Best Motivational Advice

If you put Donald Trump Neil deGrasse Tyson Jordan Peterson Bill Gates Arnold Schwarzenegger and Richard Branson in a room what would be the one thing they could agree on simple Elon Musk I suppose what Elon monument with Tesla is fantastic it's you know presumably the biggest single donation to showing us that electric motorcars are part of how we break climate change and now he's got a carbon junking challenge so we need farther Elon musk's we need one for brand and cement and all the different orders God who knows what's over with him all goods considered we saw his new truck the truck's an amazing piece of negotiating the factory is massive you know what do you say about someone who erected a functional electric machine also shot it into space on the rocket he's a singular person of course Elon Musk.

Who has been an extraordinary leader in machine manufacturing and you know we love his motorcars he has he's a force in society that's like a cross-pollination of Thomas Edison and Tony Stark from The chastisers okay youcross- pollinate those two folks you get Elon Musk now he's got a privately traded company don't cross the SEC okay you must observe the regulations regarding your public company but differently give the man some space let him be an individual what do you want to homogenize them so he looks like any other person in a boardroom what would that be I mean Elon and his team are extraordinary what they achieved yeah and he's also doing the Rockets he likes rockets and he does good at Rockets too by the way I noway sententia where the machines come down with no bodies no anything in their levee I said I've noway seen that ahead and I was worried about him because he's one of our great Geniuses and we have to cover our subordinates he's done a truly good job shocking.

How well you know how it's come so presto I mean you go back a time and they were talking about the end of the company and now all of a unlooked- for they're talking about these great goods he's going to be erecting a truly big plant author CEO angel investor Giant and Tech Mobile Elon Musk is considered one of the most influential people on the earth his story is weird with grand failures and massive triumphs as well as cornucopia of hard work and dedication also are five assignments that Elon Musk has tutored us about being a leader and icon in the business and Tech world( Music) while the Napoleon's life seems to be well within the stage of luxury this wasn't always the case growing up Elon had to deal with an abusive father whose parents severed and being horrendously bullied at academy according to the guardian The Bullying had gotten so bad that he was admitted to sanitorium for two weeks after a gang of boys threw him down a flight of stairs this didn't stop Elon he set up Solas in his dream of moving to the United States and chancing a way to change the world work like hell I mean you just have to put in you know 80 hour 80 to 100 hour weeks every week.

That all those merchandise bettered the odds of success good I mean if other people are setting up in 40 hour work weeks and you're setting up in 100 hour work weeks also indeed if you're doing the same thing you know that in in one time you will achieve what they achieve you you will achieve in four months what it takes them a time to achieve it's no secret that Elon has an implausible work heritage he understood that by taking farther time to grow your business and invest as important as you could into your business you would be ahead of your contenders growing a business is no easy task especially if you want to be at the top discovery ways that allow you to work on your business more efficiently and you will leave your competition in the dust I suppose the right way to suppose goods is like what is the most useful thing that you can suppose of to do and that others are not doing if our problems are getting well answered by others there's there is not important point in going and also contending against them if they're going to break it well anyway it's better to work on goods that you suppose presumably people enough smart people aren't working on following his own advice Elon has helped set up and produce businesses that have had a major and positive impact on Humanity he is continually looking to help break problems that we Face daily by getting the result to a problem you come invaluable to not only your guests.

But the world as well I would encourage you to take pitfalls now do commodity bold you will not lament it taking pitfalls is commodity Elon is well clued in with the numerous obstacles he is had to face in every one of the companies he has been a part of utmost people would have thrown in the kerchief and moved on not Elon if it was not for his tenacity and drive Tesla would have gone out of business and SpaceX would have noway seen a successful launch I always say I am a motivated by curiosity more than anything just a desire to suppose about the future and I mean I am feeling I guess fairly auspicious about the Future these days there are clearly some big pitfalls that Humanity faces I suppose the population collapse is a really big deal that I wish further people would would suppose about I was always sort of really interested in Reading when I was a sprat and I read everything that I could get my hands on I read the encyclopedia I read everything.

Let's see presumably age nine or ten okay well and not that I actually wanted to read the encyclopedia but I ran out of effects to read so and Despair I read in encyclopedia you just really wanted to learn so in early stage you had that and you had that inner drive yourself yeah well I just I just sort of I got wearied fluently and so unless I was doing commodity like reading or playing a videotape game watching television and we had like terrible television in South Africa you know I like watching television which there was not that much of it so Elon is a big advocate for Learning and has been led by his curiosity for utmost of his life he's an avaricious anthology and claims that reading is what tutored him to make Rockets he indeed hired learning Guru Jim quick to help him Master hastily reading and learning if The Man Behind SpaceX in Seoul megacity has time to learn and stay curious it may be commodity you want to try out yourself as well when I was a sprat I was wondering kind of what is the meaning of life like why are we then what is it each about and I came to the conclusion that what what really matters is trying to understand the right questions to ask and the more that we can increase the compass and scale of mortal knowledge the better.

We're suitable to ask these questions there is certain effects that are necessary to insure that the future is good and some of those effects are in the long haul having maintainable vehicle and practical energy age to be a space-bearing development and for Humankind to be out there among the stars and be amulti-planetary species I mean I suppose the being amulti-class species and being out there Among the Stars is important for the long- term survival of humanity and that is one reason kind of like life insurance for Life inclusively Life as We Know It but also the part that I find tête-à-tête most motivating is that it creates a sense of adventure and it makes people agitated about the unborn Elon Musk is an alleviation for people around the world his stopgap to more Humanity to produce a future we can be agitated about isn't only inspiring but commodity that all Humanity should look forward to which one of these assignments will you use to help make your future lustrously.

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